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Choosing to design

  Some More Changes Choosing to design your own  lifestyle and take back control is one way to start getting what you want from life. But there are a few others too that will help you with this. One cognitive shift is to know your worth, to stand your ground and lose the fear. Another cognitive shift is to recognize that time and money are both interchangeable. This latter point means that if you are getting paid more but you are also working longer hours then you aren’t really getting a pay rise at all. The only way this would count as a pay rise is if you got paid more for working the same hours. So, if you’re being offered profession up the ladder but it involves staying later at work, there is an obvious answer: you’ll just take the pay rise thanks! This is where knowing your worth comes in. You see, many of us are afraid to ask for more money, or are afraid to increase our rates. We think if we do that, we’ll lose work and we’ll end up homeless. Again: lose the fear. This doesn’t